Parbold & Newburgh


Newburgh Primary School, early 1900s.

Back row left - right: unknown 1, Samuel Harrison (Head teacher ? - 1901), unknown 2, Henry Halton (Head teacher 1907 - 1917 & 1919 - 1946).

Front two left - right: Rev. Hearle, unknown 3.

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The Old Mill at Parbold, early 1900s.

Newburgh 1900s (1)

The Red Lion Inn, Newburgh Village, early 1900s.


Fire at Ainscough's Mill, Parbold.

On the afternoon of Thursday, 6th September 1951 an explosion set fire to the mill. The fire raged out of control for over 2 hours and the building was completely gutted.


JAS T GREGSON, Licenced Hawker, Newburgh, early 1900s.

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Rock Villa, Tan House Lane, Parbold, c1920.


William Douglas, Signal box man at Parbold, c1912.


parbold mill, richard hilton worked there after ww1

Ainscough's Mill and the Old Mill at Parbold, c1930s.

(Photo courtesy - Ste Howard).

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Back Lane Garage, Newburgh, c1950s.

(Photo courtesy - Jeffrey Smith).


Christ Church, Newburgh, early 1900s.

(Photo courtesy - Ann Bradshaw).

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Ainscough's Mill at Parbold, after it was rebuilt in 1953. The old mill on the right was taken over by the founder of the firm, Mr Hugh Ainscough in 1836.

(Photo courtesy - John & Ann Bradshaw).

Newburgh War Memorial (1)

Newburgh War Memorial, c1920s.

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Christ Church, Newburgh, early 1900s.

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Newburgh C of E Primary School, Back Lane, Newburgh, early 1900s.

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Parbold, 6th June 2015.

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The Red Lion Hotel, Newburgh, 19th October 2015.

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Newburgh Village, 1940s.

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Newburgh Village, early 1900s.