Morris Dancing

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Emma Vickers, c1953/54.

(Photo courtesy - Sheila Petherbridge)

The following story/memories are courtesy - Irene Harrison.

"Mrs Vickers was such a gem to the village, she wrote the pantomimes (and directed) that we enjoyed at Christmas. I remember we used to go by coach, in particular to the then sanatorium in Rufford to put on a show for the patients, many were in tears as we sung 'Its time to say goodbye' etc.

She also trained the Morris Dancers for many years. I myself was in the troupe from age 5 to 16 years of age. I believe she started life on the canal, does anyone know anymore?

During or just immediately after the war ended announcement, I remember going down to Mart Lane in the evening to sing and dance and Mrs Vickers was playing her melodeon."


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Emma Vickers, 7th June 1977. (Aged 83).

(Photo courtesy - Glenda Taylor)



Lathom Morris Dancers, c1975.

Back row left - right: Christine Saunders, Janet Dutch, Karen Manuel, Carol Saunders, Angela Disley, Andrea Wheble, Wendy Brown, Lynsey Bradley, Sylvia Finch, Barbara Webster, Christine Craven, Lynn Andrews, Susan Weatherill, Joan Andrews.

Middle row left - right: Sue Dorries, Pamela Dutch, Gillian Cheatham, Diane Wheble, Carol Taylor, Sandra Hampson, Sheree Leach, Tracey Rushton, Sandra Bell, Karen Edge, Dawn Rimmer, Paula Dorries, Karen Bell.

Front row left - right: unknown 28, Geraldine Dorries, Susan Ashton, Diane Craven, unknown 32, Judith Valentine, Debbie Southern, Belinda Manuel, unknown 36, Julie Ashton, Julie Craven.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Beesley, nee Saunders)


Lathom Morris Dancers, early 1960s.

Back row left - right: Margaret Mitchell, Susan Williams, Stephanie Williams, Valerie Slobin, Pam Mcfarlene, Joan Griffiths, Christine Craven.

Front row left - right: Susan Weatherill, Carol Draper, Margaret Gaskell, Ann Briggs, Pamela Lawson, Irene Alexander.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Bellamy).

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Burscough Town Morris Dancers, c1950s. Photo taken at Ormskirk Rugby field.

Back row left - right: Lynda Ribbons, Pat Hoystead, Elaine Lucraft, Joan Dargen, Beryl Howes, Irene Harrison, Kathleen MCombie, Margaret Winrow.

Middle row left - right: Eileen Hopson, unknown 1, Josephine Greatorex, Doris Sampson, Eileen Greatorex.

Front row left - right: Carol Jenkins, Valerie Christie, Barbara Timmins, Sylvia Dargen, Edith Harrison.

 (Photo courtesy - Carol and Rich Gilbody).

My beautiful picture

Carnival Day, Lathom Morris Dancers at Burscough's Football Ground, 18th June 1966.

Left - right: June Disley, Christine Craven, Ann Baybutt, Joan Griffiths, Margaret Meila (nee Mitchell), June Hampson, Pauline Barry, Maureen Disley, Lynette Williams, Valerie Slobin, Rosemary Thomas, Pauline Ollerton, Pamela McFarlane. 

(Photo courtesy - Glen Forshaw).


Burscough Morris Dancers, unknown location, 1944.

Back row left - right: Brenda Lea, Audrey Furnival, Peggy Bimpson, Elsie Kerr, Edna Vickers, Cicley Hesketh, Margaret Baybutt, Violet Swift, Margaret Bentham.

Front row left - right: Mildred Disley, Hilda Hayes, Pat Merrit, Jean Kerr, Pat Dobson, Margaret Walsh, Edie Kerr.

(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace).

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Lathom Morris dancers, c1968/69.

Back row left - right: Angela Disley, unknown 2, unknown 3, Lyndsey Bradley, June Andrews, Linda Hughes, Christine Hopkins.

Middle row left - right: Sheree Leach, Christine Disley, Janet Dutch, Samantha Slobin, Lynn Formby, Christine Saunders, Carol Saunders.

Front row left - right: Jackie Formby, unknown 14, Nicola Slobin, Pamela Dutch.

(Photo courtesy - Sheila Petherbridge).

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Burscough Morris Dancers, c1956. Pictured at Burscough FC's ground. In the distance the factories of Elkes & Fox and Laverys can be seen.

Back row left - right: Emma Vickers, Joan Ashcroft, Christine Arnold, Sheila Disley, Glenda Pemberton, Maureen Baldwin, Sandra Lamb, Doreen Galloway, unknown 8, Eileen Hopson.

Front row left - right: Carol Isted, Mary Disley, Jean Lisa Holden, Linda Price, Viv Topping, Cynthia Riding, Margaret Bubbles Slobin.

(Photo courtesy - Sheila Petherbridge).


Lathom Morris Dancers (seniors), 1975.
Back row left - right: Joan Andrews, Susan Weatherill, Lyn Andrews, Christine Craven, Barbara Draper, Sylvia Finch, Andrea Wheble.
Front row left - right: Wendy Brown, Karen Manuel, Christine Saunders, Lindsey Bradley, Carol Saunders, Angela Disley, Janet Dutch.
(Photo courtesy - Christine Beesley​, nee Saunders)

My beautiful picture

Burscough Morris Dancers, unknown location, 1960s.

Back row left - right: Sylvia Howard, Susan Walker, Vivian Twist, Wendy Lawson, Jennifer Gaskell, Kathleen Draper, Janet Flavell.

Front row left - right: Elsie Radford, unknown 9, Christine Derbyshire, Yvonne Griffiths, Carol Halsall, Gwen Forshaw.

Sat at front left - right: Lorraine Bradley, Cynthia Riding.

(Photo courtesy - Glen Forshaw).


Lathom Morris Dancers, Sephton House, Junction Lane, May 1963.
Back row left - right: unknown 1, unknown 2, Margaret Griffiths, Ann Lewis, unknown 5, unknown 6.
Front row left - right: Ann Tromp, June Disley, Pamela Briggs, Lynette Williams, Stephanie Williams, Valerie Slobin, Gillian Catterall , Joan Griffiths.
(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace​)

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Lathom Morris Dancers at Fleetwood, 1965.

Back row left - right: Susan Weatherill, Claudia Pritt, Stephanie Williams, Lorraine Pritt, unknown 5, unknown 6, unknown 7.

Front row left - right: unknown 8, Sylvia Thomas, unknown 10, unknown 11, unknown 12, unknown 13.

(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace)

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Lathom Morris Dancers at Widnes, 1965.

Back row left - right: Pamela Briggs, Rosemary Thomas, Maureen Disley, Valerie Slobin, Lynette Williams, Anne Marie Baybutt, June Hampson.

Front row left - right: unknown 8, Margaret Mitchell, June Disley, Christine Craven, Joan Griffiths, Gillian Caterall.

(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace)



Lathom Morris Dancers, unknown location, April 1963.

Back row left - right: Hilary Webb, Janet Fearnley, Ann Lewis, Margaret Griffiths, unknown 5, Rosemary Thomas.

Middle row left - right: Ann Baybutt, Lynette Williams, Ann Tromp?, Gillian Caterall, Valerie Slobin, Maureen Disley, June Disley, Joan Griffiths, Pamela Briggs.

Front row left - right: Anne Briggs, Stephanie Williams, Angela Disley.

(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace)


Lathom Morris Dancers outside Burscough County Secondary School, early 1960s.

Back row left - right: Margaret Mitchell, Pamela Briggs, Rosemary Thomas, Anne Lewis, Maureen Disley, Pauline Barry, Lynette Williams.

Front row left - right: June Disley, Christine Craven, Joan Griffiths, Valerie Slobin, Ann Baybutt, June Hampson, Gillian Catterall.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Bellamy, nee Craven)

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Lathom Morris Dancers at Tarleton, 1974.
Back row left - right: Sylvia Finch, Lynn Andrews, Joan Andrews, Lyndsey Bradley, Susan Weatherill, Christine Craven, Julie Dawson.
Front row left - right: Andrea Wheble, Val Lynch, Angela Disney, Janet Dutch, Christine Saunders, Carol Saunders, Wendy Brown.
(Photo courtesy - Christine Beesley​, nee Saunders)

My beautiful picture

Two Lathom Morris Dancers at Burscough's Football ground, 1960s. Left - right: Valerie Slobin, Rachel Forshaw. Margaret Mitchell can be seen in the background.

(Photo courtesy - Glen Forshaw).


Lathom Morris Dancers (Juniors & Seniors), Burscough County Secondary School Hall, 1968.
Back row left - right: unknown 1, Elizabeth Draper, unknown 3, Gillian Catherall, Anne Baybutt, Margaret Mitchell, unknown 7, Valerie Slobin, Joan Griffiths, Margaret Draper, Irene Alexander, Susan Williams, Christine Craven, Pamela Lawson, unknown 15.
Front row left - right: Margaret Gaskell, Anne Briggs, unknown 18, Lynda Swift, Susan Malony, Stephanie Williams, Pamela Finch?, Elizabeth Thomas, unknown 24, Susan Sheen, Carol Draper, Lindsay Bradley.
At the front with the trophy: Angela Disley.
(Photo courtesy - Stephanie Wallace​)