

District nurse (for the local area), Olive Bridge, c1950s.

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Nurse Olive Bridge, 1940s and the retirement of Nurse Olive Bridge SRN, 1967.

The following is an article featured in the Ormskirk Advertiser at the time.

Nurse Olive Bridge, who has helped look after the health of the people of Burscough and the surrounding district for 19 years, will retire from her job as district nurse on November 5th.

Nurse Bridge, who lives at 59 Moss Lane, Burscough, will then be going with her husband to make a new home near their daughter in Ulverston.

Her forty years' nursing experience began with her training in London. After this she moved to Birmingham where she completed her orthopaedic training before going on to nurse at Bolton.

One of her many memories are being the ward sister of the orthopaedic ward at the Ormskirk and District and General Hospital during the war, when the wooden huts were opened to receive soldiers.

At this time she was the only qualified orthopaedic nurse at the hospital. Later she also nursed patients who had been victims of the blitz in Liverpool.

Over the past week, Nurse Bridge has had many tributes paid to her work for the people of Burscough. On Friday evening she was invited to a dinner held at the home of Dr M Green and Mrs Green of Burscough. This was attended by local doctors and their wives, who presented her with a cut glass decanter of Madeira wine.

Another presentation was also made to her last Friday when residents and staff saw the warden of Sefton House Home for the Aged, Burscough, present her with a set of cut glass sherry glasses. Nurse Bridge is a vice-president of the Lathom & Burscough Old Age Pensioners' Association and is very interested in the care of the elderly.

On Sunday evening a service of thanks for Nurse Bridge's work was held at Burscough Methodist Church. Following the service, the congregation joined together at a social to say their goodbyes and two of her neighbours, Mr and Mrs Corless presented her with gifts of flowers and chocolates.

Another organisation with which Nurse Bridge is closely connected the Ormskirk Business and Professional Women's Club, said their goodbyes last night at a sherry evening held at Edge Hill College.

A final presentation to her will be made by Dr J G Hailwood, Medical Officer of Health.

(Photos courtesy - Pauline Smith)



Ring O'Bells residents, c1948.

Left -right: Ted Robinson, Ellen (Nellie) Robinson, Thomas Bradley, Edith Robinson.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Bridges)


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Residents of Ring O'Bell's Cottages, Lathom, c1955.

Left - right: Martha Hilton, Ellen Robinson, Grace Robinson, George Gibbons, Maggie Fyles, Ann Hilton.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Bridges)


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Residents of Ring O'Bells Cottages, Lathom, c1953.

Left - right: Molly Pemberton, Nellie Pemberton, Doris Langton, Margaret Pemberton, Francis Webster, Janie Pemberton.

Little girls at the front left - right: Sandra Skinner (nee Goodall), Christine Bradley.

(Photo courtesy - Christine Bridges, nee Bradley)

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Pictured at Ring O'Bells, c1940.

Left - right: Alice Bromley (nee Webster), 'Grandma' Webster, Ivy Webster (nee Spencer), Margaret Spencer, Tom Spencer.

(Photo courtesy - Tom Spencer)


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J A Graham's shop staff, Burscough Village, 24th February 2018.

On this occasion I know I speak on behalf of Burscough and the surrounding areas in wishing Peter (red), Janet, Philip (blue) and Stephen (white) a very happy and well deserved retirement.

You have served the community for a staggering 44 years, and you will be missed by so many, so thank you.



Bert Spruce inside 'New Lane Shop', c1960s.

(Photo courtesy - George and Janet Lawson).


Jean Spruce (left) and Janie Rimmer inside 'New Lane Shop', c1960s.

(Photo courtesy - Pauline Rimmer).


Jimmy Lawson (left) and George Lawson inside 'New Lane Shop', c1960s.

(Photo courtesy - George and Janet Lawson)


Emma Vickers, 1970s.

(Photo courtesy - Doug Elliot).


Two of Burscough's greatest entertainers, Emma Vickers and Bill Gibbons, 1970s.

(Photo courtesy - Doug Elliot).

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Ruth and Harry Dutton, June 1985.

(Photo courtesy - Susan Bullen).


Arnold Weatherill, 1990s.

(Photos courtesy - Susan Slobin).

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Dressed up for Pace-egging, c1925.

Left to Right; Bill Tyrer, Danny Hunter, Bill Pye, Peter Gibbons, John Gastall.

(Photo courtesy - Danny Hunter).


At a Walking Day, Burscough Village, c1954.

Left - right: Nellie Cook (nee Ashcroft), Annie Watkinson (nee Ashcroft), Mrs. Arnott, 'Dickie Mint'.

(Photo courtesy - Ellen Williams).


Mr & Mrs Jack Norris, New Lane, 1920s.

Jack's nickname was 'Rosca'.

(Photo courtesy - Angeline Smith).

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VE Day Celebrations, Canal Bank New Lane, 1945.

Left - right: Sheila Rimmer, Joyce Parr, Margaret Parr, Sylvia Jackson, Rhonda Jones (Peace Queen), Maureen Catteral. The lady stood at back (right) wearing the crown is Madge Parr.

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Taken in a garden down School Lane.

Back row left - right: Catherine Jupp (nee Parr), Catherine Martin (nee Alexander), Unknown 1, Margaret Alexander, Kathryn Martin, Annie Barrow (nee Iddon), Jane Alice Barrow (nee Parr).

Front Row left - right: Grace Jenkins (nee Alexander), Joyce Tinsley (nee Jupp), Ruth Suffell, Bertha Owen (nee Alexander).

(Photo courtesy - Carol and Rich Gilbody).


Pictured at the Methodist School, Orrell Lane, c1934 are.....

Left - right: Stella Johnson, Nancy Burton, Barbara Arnold, Annie Draper, Nora Arnold and Nora Stazicker.

(Photo courtesy - Nancy Wells, nee Burton).


Pictured in a field off Warpers Moss Lane, c1952.

Left - right, James Culshaw, Jack Staziker, Richard Ashcroft, John Ashcroft (baby), Brenda Ashcroft (nee Staziker), Mrs. Martha Staziker (Brenda's mother).

(Photo courtesy - Ellen Williams).


Pictured in a field off Warpers Moss Lane, c1950.

Left - right, Annie Watkinson (nee Ashcroft), Jack Staziker and Mrs. Staziker, the baby is John Ashcroft.

(Photo courtesy - Ellen Williams).

Three generations of Thomas Meadows.

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Thomas Meadows the Boatman, c1920s (Granddad).


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Thomas Meadows also known as Lordy (son of Thomas Meadows the boatman) late 1950s - early 1960s.

(Photos courtesy - Beryl Fleming).

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Thomas Meadows (grandson of Thomas Meadows the boatman) late 1950s - early 1960s.

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The Addy Family in Lathom, c1927/28.

Back left - right: Irene Addy, Thomas Addy, Margaret Addy.

Front left - right: Nora Addy, Tess Addy, Fred Addy, Joe Addy.

Lying at the front: Millie Addy.

(Photo courtesy - Ann Smith).

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Pictured at a Methodist School Garden Fate are,

Left - right: Mrs Berry, Lil Catterall, Rene Flavell (crouching), Eileen Berry, Nora Holcroft.

Hazel Berry (sat on the floor at the front).

(Photo courtesy - Ann Smith).

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Pictured in the War Memorial's garden, Burscough in 1952 are....

Left - right: Anne Sharpe, Frank Addy, Tom Addy, Margaret Addy, Mrs Sharpe (sitting).

(Photo courtesy - Ann Smith).

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Pictured at Burscough Methodist School, Orrell Lane, c1950s are......

Left - right: Ann Flavell, Janet Flavell, Ian Flavell.

(Photo courtesy - Ann Smith).



Richard Ashcroft (middle), Bargeman, c1960s.

(Photo courtesy - Ellen Williams).

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William Arnold in the garden of his house, Briars Lane, c1920s.

William was a coachman for the Ainscough family at Brooklands (Flax Lane).

(Photo courtesy - Barbara Dibb).


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William Arnold with a pony in the garden of Brooklands, Flax Lane, c1920s.

(Photo courtesy - Barbara Dibb).

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William Arnold holding an Ainscough's horse in show condition. It would have been shown all around Lancashire. Location unknown, c1920s.

(Photo courtesy - Barbara Dibb).

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The Ainscough family and employees pictured outside Richard Ainscough's family home, 'Brooklands', off Flax Lane, c1910.

On the extreme right in the middle is William Fletcher (Grandfather of Philip Fletcher)

'Brooklands' was built c1885 and demolished in the 1960s. It is one of the first (if not the first) to receive electricity in the local area. The date of installation of electricity to Brooklands was around c1890.

(Photo courtesy - Evelyn and Philip Fletcher. Philip was the 4th generation of his family to work at Ainscough's Mill).


St. John's Catholic Garden Fate, Brooklands House, Flax Lane c1955.

Back row left - right: Barbara Gallagher, unknown 1, unknown 2, Josephine Greatorex, Teresa Clarkson, Linda ?, Angela Turner, Maureen Hopson, unknown 3, Peter Briggs.

Front row left - right: Denise Urquhart, Judith Brand, Susan Fairclough, unknown 4, Marion Baron, Marion Rawlinson, Margaret Ashton, Ann Birrell.

(Photo courtesy - Tony and Denise Bridge)

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Joe Martland (left) and Dan Holcroft, Back Moss Lane Farm, c1933.

(Photo courtesy - Brian Porter).

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Sgt. Richard 'Dick' Sephton. Special Constable in Rufford during WW2.

(Photo courtesy - Brian Porter).