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Burscough (2nd XI) Cricket Team, c1950s.

Back row left - right: John Culshaw, Bill Prescott, G Streton, T Swift, L Walker, Bill Arnold.

Front row left - right: J Harrison, G Houghton, J Bimpson (Captain), Tom Martland, J Martland. (Photo courtesy - Edna Arnold).

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'Coulton's Cavaliers.' Burscough St John's 1st XI during the 1932 season.

Back two left - right: Jack Aspinall and his father.

Back row left - right: Jack Hesketh, Harold Wright, Roscoe, Culshaw, Jim Martland.

Front row left - right: Teddy Vickers, Jim Lawson, Gerry Cheetham, Bill Coulton (Captain), Jimmy 'Tiggy' Baldwin, Bill Blackledge, Vic Stratton. (Photo courtesy - Burscough Cricket Club).

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 Burscough St. John's (2nd XI) Cricket Team, 1928. Pictured here at Vicarage field, Liverpool Road South.

Back row left - right: W. Wright (Umpire), W. Stillwell, J. Lewis, John Spencer (committee), W. Coulton, L. Eastwood, W. Moss, J. Aspinwall (Groundsman).

Front row left - right: H.V. Berry, E. Martland, C. Martland, Richard Stringfellow (Captain), J. Martland, H. Wright, V. Stratton.

Sat on the ground, Jimmy Aspinall (8), Ken Smith (Scorer).

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Burscough Cricket team, 1922. Pictured here at the new cricket pitch (built in 1921) on the vicarage field, Liverpool Road.

Back left - right, John Spencer (Umpire), Ike Jenkinson, W.R. Johnson (vicar), J. Mawdsley, John Horrocks, S. Austin, John W Berry (Scorer).

Front left - right, John Pilkington, William Stringfellow, Jimmy Pye, Billy Iddon, S. Hancox, Richard Stringfellow.

On the ground, Harry Austin (No 7). (Photo courtesy - Burscough Cricket Club).

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Burscough Cricket Team 2nd XI. Southport leagues reserve division winners 1950.

Back row left - right: H A Spencer (chairman), H V Berry, Bill Arnold, Bill Prescott, Tom Martland, John Culshaw, Bill Tyrer, Gorden Gaskell, Ken Smith (secretary).

Front row left - right: Tom Swift, G Stretch, Jimmy Bimpson (captain), A Houghton, Jim Martland.

Eddie Lawson at the front (scorer). (Photo courtesy - Burscough Cricket Club).

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'Spencer's Sparklers' Burscough St John's 1st XI, 1930s, with officials and supporters at their pre war home at the vicarage fields.

Back row left - right: Mr Skinner, Harry Waring, Johnny Houghton, Jack Robinson, Bob Fisher, Joe Ashton, Jackie Lawson, John Spencer, Ernest 'Daddy' Rowley.

Front row left - right: Billy Wells, Len Wells, Billy Blackledge, Bert Spencer (Captain), Les Eastwood, Ike Jenkinson, Billy Iddon. (Photo courtesy - Burscough Cricket Club).

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Burscough Cricket team, c1919/20.

Back row left - right: unknown 1, unknown 2, unknown 3, unknown 4, unknown 5, unknown 6, John Spencer.

Front row left to right, unknown 7, Richard Stringfellow, unknown 8, William Stringfellow, William Robert Johnson (vicar 1919-1934), unknown 9, Les Eastwood.

Kneeling at the front is a young Dick Spencer. (Thomas Stringfellow is also present in the picture).

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Burscough Cricket team, c1928. Photographed at the cricket pitch (built in 1921) on the vicarage field, Liverpool Road, belonging to the St. Johns C of E Cricket Club.

Back row left to right, John Spencer (Umpire), Dick Spencer, Jim Stringfellow, John Culshaw, William Robert Johnson (vicar 1919-1934), J Ashton, unknown 1, Arthur Skinner.

Front row left to right, William Wright, Jack ?, Archie ?, unknown 2, unknown 3, unknown 4, Jack ?.

Young boy on the floor: unknown 5.

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Burscough Cricket Team, early 1900s.

(Photo courtesy - Danny Hunter).

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Burscough Ladies Cricket Team, date unknown.

(Photo courtesy - Danny Hunter).